Whittlesford is blessed in having two churches, St Mary and St Andrew Parish Church and the United Reformed Church, who work together for the good of the village. The school has very strong links with both churches.
The parish church service of St. Mary's & St. Andrew's is held at William Westley across the year.
A team from the churches comes into school every Wednesday morning to take collective worship where our school vision of "Let your Light shine" [Matthew 5:16] and our school values are augmented, through learning about stories from the bible and Christian teaching.
The whole school come to each of the churches in turn for special acts of worship including our Easter, Harvest and Christmas service. Our Harvest service is a special time of living out our school vision, as each child is encouraged to bring a homegrown or homemade item as a harvest offering, which is then sold at the end of the school day and goes to support the school in Tlkokweng, Botswana. We also come to the Parish Church of St Mary and St Andrew each July to celebrate the founder of our school William Westley, which is followed by a school community picnic and school fete at the end of the day. This year we had a very special celebration at the Parish Church for the 300th anniversary of William Westley, with the visit of Bishop Stephen who shared how we can each "Let our Light shine". A mug with our school vision was donated by the William Westley charity to each member of the school community.
For Remembrance Sunday and the Parish Church Christmas Carol service, members of the school take part in the service through readings and singing with the school choir.
At least twice a year the school hosts the churches together for an All Age Informal service and takes part in the service with the school orchestra, choir or with readings. These services bring in lots of the school families and is a great interactive intergenerational service.
The school enjoys visiting the churches for other curriculum activities, including art, history, nature with the churchyard and learning about our eco church as well as gaining a greater understanding of the Christian faith and different church denominations. As part of the village 1000 year celebrations the school came and did a unique project on the incredible Medieval graffiti in the church.
The United Reformed Church is used each Monday afternoon for an after school club, The ARK, for any children aged year 5 upwards to come and enjoy a safe nurturing space to enjoy playing and chatting together. This is run by Rev Olivia and Rev Phil jointly.
The URC also hosts the William Westley ‘Pre Loved uniform’ shop which is used by many families and is a wonderful way of helping recycle uniform, books and shoes.