William Westley School has a dress code and we are very proud of the overall impression this gives, both in and outside the school gates.
We expect all our children to come to school wearing clothes and footwear that show high personal standards. William Westley embroidered school uniform items can be ordered at any time of the year via the link below.
Recommended clothing:
- White polo shirt, white shirt or white blouse
- William Westley sweatshirt or cardigan with logo
- Grey skirt, grey pinafore dress, grey or black trousers / shorts
- Blue and white checked or striped dress for the summer term
- White, black or grey socks
- Black shoes
- William Westley Cap
Recommended clothing for:
- Children should have black, navy or royal blue shorts and a William Westley T-shirt (or plain royal blue equivalent). These can also be ordered using the link below.
- For outdoor PE, children should have plain navy or black tracksuit/jogging bottoms and a plain navy or black sweatshirt/hoodie.
- Trainers
- PE kit should be kept in a small bag that will then be on your child's peg.
- Children need an art apron or an old shirt to protect their clothing when they are doing art or craft work.
Please ensure that all clothing is named. We have a lost property bin by the school office. At the end of each term, any un-named and unclaimed items will be washed and sold in aid of PTA funds.