In April 2013, the Government announced new funding of £150 million for Physical Education (PE) and sport. This funding should be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision. The funding is for the period 1 September 2013 – 31 August 2014 & September 2014 to August 2015. This funding is ring fenced to be used for sport specific areas to make an impact in Physical Education and Sport in schools.
Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and Sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable.
As part of this sport premium initiative we are required to publish how we are spending the money on our website. To see how William Westley CE Primary School has used this funding please read the documents for each academic year below.
In April 2018 schools were also asked to publish the number of pupils in Year 6 who can swim 25m, perform a range of strokes and complete self rescue in water skills. All pupils are offered swimming lessons in KS2 and additional lessons in Year 6 if they are still not able to complete these skills. Our school audit of competence is below.
Sports Premium Report