William Westley School is run by the local authority which formally employs the staff and sets the admissions criteria.
The Governing Body, together with the head teacher, set the future direction for the school and decide how the school’s budget should be spent. We make decisions collectively on matters such as performance targets, school policies and the school’s development plan. We monitor the achievement of pupils, the impact of policies and oversee the use of the school’s budget. We report to parents on the school’s achievements and respond to inspection recommendations. We hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints.
There are 14 Governors – the composition of the Governing Body reflects its Voluntary Controlled status and the 2014 regulations affecting the constitution of governing bodies. Four of our Governors are Parent Governors, drawn from and elected by the parents and guardians of the school's children.
Parent Governors serve for a term of four years, meaning that, on average, one post is re-elected each year. Arrangements for nominations are communicated by the school at the appropriate time. If you are interested in becoming a Governor and would like to know more about the role, please speak to Mr Westcott or to any current Governor.
The Governing body is organised into two main committees Pupil Matters and Resources.
These committees alongside the Full Governing Body meet at least termly. All Full Governing Body minutes that have been approved are available from the school office on request.
One of the statutory responsibilities of the Governing body is to set the school's Equality Objective.