
William Westley Church of England Primary School Let your light shine

'Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven' Matthew 5:16

Collective Worship

Collective worship at William Westley Church of England Primary School reflects the broad traditions of Christian belief. We are a church school and our Collective Worship is Christian in nature and based on our Christian foundation. Our School vision of "Let your Light Shine" Matthew 5:16 is at the heart of every Collective Worship. As we seek to learn about God and his love for us, we endeavour to see how we can bless others through our learning for life. In these special times of worship we explore the Christian Values of  kindness, self-worth self-control, respect, positivity and celebration using Bible stories to guide us.  Parents do have a legal right to withdraw their children from an act of worship, should they wish and need to inform the school of their wish to do this. 

We have regular visitors who also lead Collective Worship at school. such as our local vicar Reverend Olivia from St Mary's & St. Andrew's Parish church, Reverend Phil from the URC church and Alison who is the children's worker at the parish church lead Collective Worship weekly. We are proud of our Christian nature and commitment to daily Collective Worship.

Themes of Collective Worship

The themes of collective worship are taken from the School's values and vision, and traditions of the Christian faith. The themes will often reflect the festivals and events of the Christian calendar. Sometimes the themes reflect on topics that are taught as part of the School Curriculum. Collective Worship on a a Friday celebrates the achievements and learning of the children both within school and outside. We celebrate our school vision of 'Let your Light Shine' and how our school community demonstrates this vision, through our school values, with a child from each class receiving a 'Let your Light Shine' certificate. 

Collective Worship is led by the Head teacher or other teachers, who are supported by Year 6 Worship Leaders. It begins with a greeting and responses which we deliver using Makaton. This greeting and response used at the beginning of each Collective Worship is something that has been handed down through each generation of our school and is a precious moment of gathering and pausing in our school day. 


Worship Responses

The Whole World belongs to God;

The Earth and all its people.

This is the day that God has made;

We will enjoy it and be glad.

Our God, show us your light and your love,

For we are your children.



O come, let us adore him,

Christ the Lord.



Lord Jesus, who loved us and died for us;

Help us to grow in your Love.



Christ is risen!

Yes, he is risen! Alleluia!


The School Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father

Please bless our school

That working together

And playing together

We may learn to love you

And to love one another

Day by Day

